Return on Investment E-book

Get your return on investment toolkit

Announcement, guides, tooltips, feedback & help videos are all part of an Apps engagement equation but should you hijack your engineers to build them?

‘Build or Buy’ is a question most Apps grapple with. We’ve built a toolkit that will give you points for a Business Case and a cost model to make an informed decision.

Let’s make your ROI toolkit


  • COMPLETE this form to give us your basic company information and where to send your toolkit.
  • RECEIVE a copy of the “FREE YOUR DEVELOPERS” e-Book. This 27 page guide gives you the key points to consider and what to table with both your developers and management.
  • Link to the Explanatory Video for you and your colleagues.


  • COMPLETE a survey of your specific Team, App, stage of development. Click HERE.
  • WE PREPARE for you a Spreadsheet ROI model based on the survey answers.
  • Free zoom meeting to discuss ROI, the mode and iterate if needed.

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    What engagement and guidance problems are top priority for you?

    The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else….not about cost, it is about speed.

    Eric Ries, The Lean Startup