Category: Audience/Segmentation

  • LinkedIn’s New Feature by targeted tip

    Mobile Tips are everywhere.

    Just this morning,  I had a flashback to the whole journey that started Contextual. I opened the LinkedIn App and there was an article about our good friend (and fellow 500Startups founder) Holly Cardew of PixC.

    LinkedIn Tip

    Holly has always been generous of her time, her advise and is a great entrepreneur – the Contextual team really value her support!

    I wanted to see the comments and touched the comment section. As you can see LinkedIn popped up a contextual tip right at the moment of commenting. This is perfect because:

    1. I previously had no idea I could add a picture
    2. LinkedIn told me about this new feature
    3. They targeted me as a regular commenter who had never posted pictures. Segmentation!
    4. LinkedIn have been doing this for a while and so you know their analytics are telling them that contextual, segmented tips deliver uplift.

    So what was the flashback???

    About a year ago, we were looking for a way to add an onboarding tour to the StreetHawk Dashboard. We’d built a powerful product with many features BUT….our session analytics and exit surveys were telling us people were getting confused.

    The onboarding solution we selected was open source built by LinkedIn called HopScotch. It lets you do web tips like this.

    So that seemed like a cool idea at the time BUT we failed in our deployment. We should have used something like Appcues that allowed us to iterate faster. Why did we fail with Hopscotch?

    1. You have still have to program the tips, tours. You need developers and our developers are busy with our product.
    2. Couldn’t iterate. By being locked into a code-based solution we’d need to roadmap small changes – even wording!
    3. Inflexible. Initially it seems like a simple set of javascript rules and you are up and running. Wrong. If you want to do something not exactly the Hopscotch way, you get into more complex coding – especially on multipage
    4. No segmentation. We were spamming all our users regardless of their familiarity with the product.
    5. No analytics. Why do a tour if you don’t know whether it improves performance? How far did a user get into a tour?
    6. No A/B splits. Just like analytics, we didn’t know if a tour/flow improved engagement metrics.

    So we failed to make a success of Hopscotch and learned the characteristics (from a customer’s point of view) of what an onboarding solution should provide.

    We were scratching our own itch and we realized along the way that customer’s in our very own mobile sector were experiencing the same need. We went out and talked to a bunch of people with mobile apps and learned their painpoints. They were often that

    Contextual was born!

    Contextual has a lot more to do and a huge market need to address. Consumers choose to engage with their vendors via mobile Apps – we aim to help deepen that engagement.

    Mobile Tips are everywhere.

    Just when I was transferring Holly’s image over for this blog post, Google Drive pops up a “New Feature” Tip. Here it is. The big companies know contextual, unobtrusive tips make sense. Your App could benefit from it too!

    Google Drive New Feature Tip

  • The 4 ways Dating Apps seduce with Progressive Onboarding

    Those of you who have experienced online dating will know quality connections are not easy to find! When a ‘spark” appears there is usually a flurry of messages, one more intimate than the last, as each person progressively disclosures a little bit more about themselves. Some people know the art of progressive disclosure  so well, that they can quickly create a connection that might take months or weeks in the real world!

    If you have used a Dating Apps (even a sneak peek), you will also know that Dating Apps use their own type of progressive disclosure (aka progressive onboarding), to make sure the App becomes extremely habitual.

    So what can Dating Apps teach us about the art of seducing users??

    Progressive Onboarding Tip 1: Create a seducing first-time experience.

    When you download a Dating App like OKCupid or Bumble, the first actions are to login in with your Facebook account, upload a photo and start swiping. These Apps want to bring you to the buzz of “a match” as quickly as possible. There are no busy onboarding carousels describing the product benefits or how to use the App, they know, this all gets in the way of the first time user experience.

    Dating Apps don’t want to overwhelm users with all features and possibilities and prefer to give users “instant gratification”. They make it as easy as possible for the user start swiping, then use progressive disclosure to show uses the more advanced features of the App at a later stage.

    This is how Bumble does it – download, login, swipe!

    progressive onboarding with bumble app

    Even after the first the swipe, you have no idea about the features of the App, what is free or isn’t or how to customise searches or experience. That’s all a mystery at this stage and they just want you to play!

    Progressive Onboarding Tip 2: Only ask users to pay after they have received value

    Progressive disclosure is the best way to show people the basics first. After they understand the core value of the App and are hooked, show them the higher value paid features. Your chance of getting a user to upgrade to paid features is much higher after they have had an awesome first-time experience.

    This is how Bumble asks people to pay for more valuable features.

    The Bumble App, puts women in control, as only women can initiate a conversation with a match. The men cannot start a conversation with a woman, they can only show interest, by liking.  After the female user has achieved some matches and visits her queue, it is then disclosed that she can upgrade her subscription to see everyone that has liked her.

    Very clever and so much cleverer than explaining the paid features upfront, which is a less effective practice that many less mature Apps use.

    This Bumble use case is a great example of disclosing real-time user education about paid features when the user is ready and motivated to hear about them.

    progressive onboarding with bumble dating app

    Progressive Onboarding Tip 3: Let their users loose to learn about the App

    One way to think about progressive disclosure is to only show the information that is relevant to the task that a user wants to focus on. When you think about onboarding in this way, it puts the onboarding journey in the hands of the user rather than the App developers. We call this self-paced onboarding, where the users learn about the App by experiencing the Ap at their own pace.

    Let’s look at another great seducer – OKCupid, and how they get feature activation by showing users how to be more productive in the App.

    In this case, a user after experiencing the App for some time is shown the Search Filter feature. OKCupid has decided to not show this important feature to users in the early stages of their journey. They have opted to delay this piece of user education until the user has been engaged and active for some time, and enjoying the experience of finding matches and chatting with potential dates.

    Segmenting users “who have not used the search function” and presenting a tip to show users where to find the search function, is a great way to provide contextual education. It is simple, relevant and is valuable as it focuses the user on the benefit – save time and find better quality matches.

    progressive onboarding with okcupid dating app

    Progressive Onboarding Tip 4: Help users understand the features they are paying for!

    In the online dating world, everything happens fast. So when a user agrees to pay for access to subscriber features, it’s important they understand what they have access to and how to use the features. Reminding users of the value of features is a strategy used by OKCupid as a way to demonstrate the exclusive benefits of being a subscriber.

    For example, OKCupid paid users, have the benefit of secretly viewing profiles. This means they have the option to let someone know that they showed interest by visiting their page. In this example, education is triggered and targeted to a segment of users – “paid users” who have never performed the “reveal my visit” option.

    Triggering a tip in real-time is so much effective and relevant compared to education outside of the App via email or push notifications that users rarely read. The “Got it” button, also means the OKCupid can measure the effectiveness of the education, and attribute feature usage to an education campaign.

    How can Contextual improve your Apps progressive onboarding?

    In the dating world, progressively disclosing interesting information is so much more attractive than doing a download of your history. The same goes for user onboarding, and the leading Dating Apps show us the art of seduction – giving the user an instant experience of a match, then progressively showing users how to improve their experience over time.

    The Contextual platform makes it super easy for all Apps to have this superpower.  With Contextual, all Apps can create tips, tours and modals to progressively disclose important features to a user without getting in the way of the user’s experience.
    This is all done without code or waiting for an App release.

    Make your App more attractive and:
    – Push feature usage to segments without code
    – Take the guesswork out of feature engagement
    – Avoid having to code for the tip to disappear once the App is open or the user has engaged
    – Get data in and out of the platform with a REST/JSON API and target the right users in real time

  • The Harry Potter Guide to Mobile User Segmentation during Onboarding

    Hogwarts divided their students into four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. These wonderful scenes in the first book and movie were filled with tension because of the angst of Harry avoiding Slytherin and the all-important cementing of the relationships
    Even as an adult if you’ve been to Universal Studio’s Harry Potter rides, you can’t help feeling trepidation when you stand in front of the grumpy looking Sorting Hat.
    mobile user segmentation during onboarding

    So the Sorting Hat does some pretty nifty segmentation based on the student’s characteristic. Just like most of your App users, there is more information that can be deployed to sort the users into specific groups, buckets, houses, audiences or segments!

    “Oh you may not think I’m pretty,
    But don’t judge on what you see,
    I’ll eat myself if you can find
    A smarter hat than me.

    There’s nothing hidden in your head
    The Sorting Hat can’t see,
    So try me on and I will tell you
    Where you ought to be.”

    Most Apps treat mobile user segmentation during onboarding:

    • Not at all.
    • As an after-thought.

    But smart Product Managers know that personalization is key. After all, consider the effect of education or a tour so well targeted, it’s perceived as helpful, rather than an irrelevant interruption to the user’s flow. Personalisation brings extra value to the user so that increased Lifetime Value (LTV) comes naturally.

    The Sorting Hat has unknown, invisible, magical algorithm’s that run, tentatively gauge the users response and adjusts accordingly. In the case of Harry, the hat already knew something about Harry’s provenance and destiny but adapts to the real-time feedback from Harry. This is pretty sophisticated sorting segmentation 🙂

    A simpler example is one that we see commonly.

    The customers of an enterprise App are identified when they login/register, this is the case for banks, telcos, media companies and apps that already have web properties or customer accounts. These companies often have existing information that when connected to a mobile App login can automatically segment the user into a custom onboarding experience:

    • One user is in the Gryffindor segment because they have subscribed to a particular product:
      • For a telco this might be pre-paid cards vs contract. You want to focus the App on (a) exposing relevent functions to this user’s (top-ups) etc. As well, you want to potentially capture them as a Contract customer by offering the latest iPhone-16 as part of the contract. When the user signs up for the contract they shift to the Hufflepuff segment.
      • For a bank this may be a customer who has never used the FX function in the app but transfers money regularly via the website.
    • Another user might be in the Ravenclaw because of their demographic profile including age/gender/country  which makes them. We’ve seen this commonly to provide additional help (tips/tours/modals) in the App to guide them to get jobs done.
    • See Engagement Segments and Value Segments below.

    Without this background a priori information, the user gets a vanilla generic experience and engagement satisfaction requires more work from them.

    Any step towards greater segmented clarity of your user base is a step in the right direction and the Contextual engine automatically collects usage that automatically becomes part of your segmentation options. With more data-driven distinctions, the right actions become more obvious., effective segmentation enhances the entire mobile user experience. And it’s easy to start.

    Customer Segmentation

    Steps to effective mobile user segmentation:

    1. Plan out the “user’s journey”. Identify different stages of the lifecycle and interesting trigger points within this journey
    2. Cluster users into a few preliminary groups (think Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin):
      • based on a-priori attributes discussed above PLUS
      • usage data from Contextual. Build a persona around these attributes
      • start with just 2 segments, say Slytherin and Hufflepuff, don’t be over-ambitious.
      • How many users are in this segment? How easily does your App speak to this segment.
    3. Run Tips/Tours/Modals to educate the user and set a “success metric” –> Test actions on these personas to drive the success metric. A good idea for a success metric is moving onto the next stage of the user lifecycle or making a purchase or upgrading their plan.
    4. Treat this as an A/B experiment, refer to this post and this post for more detail.
      • Was it successful?
      • Measure the outcomes of the actions by success metric.
    5. ITERATE. Refine mobile user segments, onboarding content, onboarding triggers to continue to improve the outcome. As more data is collected, the actions will become more effective over time
    6. When you find that a certain persona responds consistently well to a certain onboarding experiment, make this your new “champion” (the default way the App behaves).

    The magic in user segmentation

    Segmentation by demographics is not enough. As we gave in the Harry example at the top, his demographics were Slytherin but his behaviour was Gryffindor.

    There are two ways in increase LTV – enhance engagement or encourage monetisation.

    Engagement Segments:

    • How long ago did the user download the app?
    • Are they still an active user?
    • Frequency: How many times is the app opened per week?
    • Duration: How long does the user spend each time?
    • Depth: How many features have the user accessed?

    Value Segments:

    • Status: Are they free, trial or premium subscribers?
    • Recency: How long since the last purchase?
    • Frequency: What is the purchase history? Users who never bought? Bought Once? 2-5 purchases?
    • Value: Have they visited your stores? Have they clicked on in-app ads? What price range are their purchases?

    Actions for segments:

    • Encourage users to move onto the next stage of the lifecycle.
    • Win back customers using the most effective method. If a user downgraded from a premium account within the past week, perhaps targeting them for feedback regarding desired features and giving them a 20% off resubscription offer is effective.
    • Discover how different segments move through different lifecycle stages. Typically for Apps, a small proportion of segments make up the majority of subscriptions or purchases. Which lifecycle stages are users getting stuck?
    • Test the optimum time to ask users to subscribe to the premium model, based on their segment. Are better conversion rates achieved when users are asked the first day they use the app or after a week?
  • Google’s Progressive On-boarding with Tips/Tours

    We sometimes hear developers or product managers say – “tips” are a sign your UI has failed.

    But Google, with the biggest B2C interactive audience (if you include search) globally, use tips and modals very creatively.

    You would think that Google have:

    • Some of the best Product Managers and Product Designers
    • Unlimited budget
    • Analytics to know what inApp education creates uplift
    • An experiment-driven culture
    • Decision makers who are nothing but data-driven

    So the logical conclusion is that “Progressive On-boarding” is an initiative across many Google products, and it is successfully driving deeper engagement. Otherwise, they wouldn’t do it, right?

    So let’s examine a few of the tips, tours, modals that Google has used in their mobile products in the last 6 months.


    Google Maps

    The Opportunity:  Google recently introduced en-route destinations but I bet you didn’t know. They used a tip to promote the new feature.

    They did it the right way. The wrong way is more of a 2015 style “dumb” approach used by most Apps – throwing up a “What’s New” carousel for existing users when they open the App. This blocks the user from the utility that Maps exist to provide. Dumb.

    Google Maps add a Pit-Stop

    Context:  Google keeps out of the way and lets you set your primary destination – this is Map’s main navigation use-case. So they don’t interfere with that. But after the trip is underway, this tip was shown.

    On this day we had a passenger to be dropped off at a train station, so we added this to our route and the default route was changed to support this. Smart!

    Wow Factor: by being contextual and delivering enhanced utility it is now burned into my brain that is a normal method of using Maps in navigation mode.

    Get out of the way: Look at the tip design:

    1. It assumes I’m in motion and keeps the message simple
    2. Uses common language. By using pit-stop it speaks to a driving brain
    3. Pictorial to support the message
    4. Does not force a response. By using “Got It” the user can respond to the action or get on with the job. They don’t even need to use a swipe gesture that might be more dangerous driving ????


    More Google Maps – tips as promotions

    Google Maps Uber Promo
    So we know tips are great for education, but also tips can be contextual delivery methods for offers. We’ve seen a few media Apps introduce offers in the context of the UX – it’s a light-weight context-based approach, that does not consume developer resources or steal from screen real-estate to drive an upsell.

    Selecting your navigation method is an interesting interstitial for Google to promote their partnership with Uber:

    • Perfect position
    • Perfect timing
    • Uber branding
    • Call-to-Action with reward.

    I’ve got more Maps examples for another time….



    We’ve already shown how Netflix encourages off-line viewing of videos. This is obviously a method for increasing consumption and usage of their service. Here we see 2 Youtube variants: top and bottom – one with a bold title. We also see some of the buttons are changing, so it’s possible they can A/B alter the App render on-the-fly.

    Youtube offline variant 1

    Youtube offline variant 2


    So this is a good lesson that Youtube is trying different variants to see what creates conversion – after seeing these I started to download audio books over the home wifi to listen to while commuting.


    Youtube Subscriptions Re-discovery

    This tip is on the subscriptions Youtube page. “Channels” are your fave subscriptions. But Youtube recommendation engine overwhelms you and you never get back to your favorite content. It just gets lost. This simple tip reminds me I can see all my channels and skip the recommendation engine that is taking 90% of the screen.


    This tip is an example of a great reminder how App features get buried and you need to help user re-discover them.


    Google Docs/Drive

    This suite of products has a lot of utility and designed for everyone from the casual user to displacing MS-Word and Excel in the workplace.

    Originally I was intended to include examples in this post but its way too meaty that I’ll devote a later post to it.


    Google Home

    This is an important initiative by Google to tough it out in the battle for IoT in your home. Google Chromecast became Google Cast and attacks Apple TV and AirPlay which had significant start and usability advantage.

    But the big game will be more devices under your control like Nest, Amazon’s range of Alexa devices and a raft of smaller sensors and controllers like LIFX lights.

    In the example, Home is showing a more directed initial onboarding experience. The goal is to get you to Wow! AND THAT IS YouTube or Netflix on your telly.

    Google Home Manage Your Devices

    To get users to connect their Cast devices is the most important 5minutes in the journey. So this coach mark modal is a FORCEFUL method that we’ve seen on a few Google Products. It allows the user to see App content but it’s a strong driver for an outcome based flow that leads to Wow!. Interesting characteristics:

    • No obvious escape from the flow.
    • There is no “dismiss”, everything focuses the user on clicking that button top-right.
    • In reality touching outside the overlay causes the “dismiss” – at Contextual we call this “touch-in” and “touch-out” and our users can control how an end-App-user can dismiss or follow a call-to-action.
    • The App user can see content, so they are not blocked from the end-goal, but they know they have a “job-to-be-done” to get that value. Contrast this with (a few years ago) the Path App:
    • At the time people said it was beautiful, BUT…
    • It was (about) a 6 step process that was designed to get you to a Wow. But the steps were linear and you had no idea in 5 steps what the happy experience was supposed to be!
    • Now Apps realize that they need to drip-feed happy experience so they can trade an onboarding step with user happiness (motiviation)


    Progressive On-boarding is the new Best Practice

    These examples shows how Apps with high engagement still need help to allow users to discover or re-discover features. The magic is in the simplicity and innocuous presence and deliberate motivation → to drive deeper engagement and utility of the App. At Contextual we think that Best Practice is shown by these giants but can be delivered to smaller companies with a platform designed for:

    • Helping Product Manager and Product Designers Experiment easily
    • Uplift focussed analytics to know what Experiments are getting results
    • Foster an Experiment-driven process to deepen customer stickiness/retention
    • Affordable
  • Are you listening to user intent?

    Are you trying to break into the music streaming sector? It’s tough to get in with huge investment already wrapped up in it and some massive players dominating the scene.. It’s probably just as competitive as your sector, right? ????

    We’re going to look at one player from the mobile music streaming sector. Meet “Deezer.”

    You may not have heard of them against Spotify, Pandora and the Apple/Google services, but Deezer has been around for awhile now on Desktop, Mobile and TV devices (I have it on a Western Digital HDMI box). Their App is pretty nice and its approach to curated lists is solid.

    Working on Contextual makes us more aware of when Apps do “feature onboarding” in both good and bad ways. One member of our team is an avid Deezer user and pays for the Premium service. Despite being in the “listening” business, the way Deezer’s user experience is organized shows us that it’s not always easy to listen to user feedback.

    What does poor listening look like?

    Deezer prompts on Android for the user to join the family plan like this:




    Fair enough! These reasons look good and we respect that the family plan is the latest “Hot Hot Hot!!!” upsell technique that all these services use. But…this person doesn’t need the family plan and touches “cancel.” That’s okay, you win some, you lose some!

    Except…everytime this user opens the App he gets the same prompt! This has been going on for weeks and makes Deezer look rather clueless about the negative user experience:

    – It seems hard-coded based on the user’s plan
    – It seems to ignore his intent – what were they thinking!???
    – It’s insensitive to his response
    – It’s alienating a faithful paying customer

    So many Apps use their own homebrewed tips and modals, which is cool but they don’t think to tie the UX to analytics or App behavior.

    Why does this happen??

    In a competitive landscape like mobile music streaming, does Deezer really want to alienate a paying customer? Do you? Here is a possible scenario you’ve experienced at your company that explains why the Deezer example can easily happen to even the best of Apps:

    Marketing has been given the objective to drive sales to this new business model, and the Product and Development teams are keen to support this and get this new promotion or feature out FAST and onto people’s phones. The problem is their capability to develop a homebrewed solution is limited because it doesn’t have the underlying maturity to do this in a way that listens user intent. Instead, they end up irritating their brand new users!

    4 ways Deezer could improve

    So this is what we’d recommend as a solution to this problem:

    1. Get smart with audiences
    Obviously, the Deezer user has moved into a new audience segment – from: “family plan prospect,”
    to: “family plan rejected in January 2017 (or X days ago) more than 2 times.”

    All tips, modals and “feature onboarding” should be targeted at specific audiences. Using a scatter-shot approach and continually offering a feature or offer that users do not want is the in-App equivalent of spam.

    2. Triggers
    When a person opens your App, they have a goal, such as Play a song, Book a Taxi, Buy a product.

    The whole reason you are lucky enough to have your App on this person’s phone is because you have a utility they want.

    So…why the hell would you prompt them when they open the App? Deezer goes one step beyond this bad scenario and prompts on re-foregrounding 🙁

    The best time to prompt a user is:

    Contextually – in a way that’s related to actions they’ve just taken, and right AFTER a happy experience. Let the user have their dopamine shot from your awesome App utility, THEN ask them to help you back. Especially when you want to ask for App ratings as well!

    3. Constructive Nagging (interpreting intent) Mobile users are busy so asking once is not enough. We get that… everyone gets that.

    Make sure to track the number of times the users dismisses your prompt. Try a different channel like push notifications or email. With a platform like Contextual, the open REST/JSON API means those other “out-of-band” events can be part of your audience selection.

    But remember to listen and get out of the way!
    Once the user has dismissed the modal and moved to a new customer audience, this means they have moved on. You should too! Platforms should record the analytics of each user’s interaction and remove the modal from the user experience.

    4. Implement  “Smart Listening” with intelligence and action

    Rather than build a homebrewed solution that has no intelligence and cannot adapt to user responses, Apps can now implement smart onboarding of featues. Contextual simplifies the complexity of:

    – Onboarding and Feature Onboarding Metrics (analytics)

    – Intent interpretation

    – Triggers

    – Automation

    – Measurement

    This is a much smarter approach to feature promotion than rushing code into your latest version just to get the job done. It will take awhile for these platforms to mature to do all the things you might want to hard-code. The benefit to you (and your users) is the agility to provide beautiful tips, tours and modals without the complexity and delay in getting them in front of the user.