Customer-driven product management with Productboard

In this session we explore the Productboard platform. Readers of this blog know that a Contextual we are extremely passionate about:

  1. JTBD (Jobs to be done) and how the best teams link Strategy and OKRs to feature prioritisation.
  2. How teams use methods like RICE (to score) or Opportunity Solution Trees (for ideation)
  3. How this practically allows a Product Team to triage/groom the backlog and…
  4. Execute on the most impactful and meaningful tasks in a sprint.


Drilling into Productboard, I was interested to learn their approach to Roadmaps, Feedback and linking these thinks with Strategic elements such as OKRs.

I wanted to see how it works in the platform and how this works for Product Teams and also flywheels out to others in the organization for linking actions with strategy.

On the video is Sophie Lalonde and Alon Bartur are both from the Productboard  Product Team! This is getting very meta ????

What I learned along the way about Productboard is a good lesson for other products.

  1. They have a clear vision to be meaningful to product managers “out of the box”. Their north-star appears to be the Product Manager’s Dashboard.
  2. They can penetrate deeper into an organization by being useful to surrounding teams. (Customer Success, Engineering, Leadership).
  3. Smart onboarding that:
    1. allows their own Customer Success to understand what challenge a trialler is looking to solve.
    2. Allows the best templates to be shown (that “out of the box”experience).
    3. Easy and fast invites to colleagues to kick-start collaboration and increase likelihood of activation inside that trialler’s company.

Productboard is an impressive platform and the video is worth a look. In coming weeks I’ll extract a few short nuggets that were excellent learnings.