Category: checklists

  • New: Guides, FAQs, Digital Adoption

    We had big releases this month expanding guidance on Web and Mobile Apps. ????

    Backed by our existing targeting engine and analytics we help you get the right guides to your users at the right-time.

    Digital Adoption Platform

    Contextual has mostly been used by Product Teams to help onboard new customers and understand the Web and Mobile Apps.

    Contextual Digital Adoption lets your colleagues make guide/tips/videos each other on the SaaS you use. e.g Using your CRM in a particular way? Then Onboard new sales with a Guide. Want your engineers to do Jira or Github tasks based on your process? Drop in tooltips that might even show a video.

    You don’t need to to write code or ask IT to install, just install our browser extension.

    Here is an explainer video:

    Contextual Digital Adoption can work with many popular SaaS Apps like Salesforce, Jira, Workday, even explain Xero to a baffled new accounts-team-member! ????‍♂️

    In this example, you can see how easy it is to add a guide over the top of Salesforce to explain what should be entered when adding a new “Opportunity”.

    To find out more, checkout the product page.

    FAQ and Lists

    We are super-excited to give our customers ability to have a floating widget and popup FAQ List on their App (web or mobile) that allows users to:

    • play (or replay Guides or Videos)
    • jump out to existing long form help content
    • ask for feedback

    So now, Apps can have a unique FAQ list per page or a general one site-wide. You can still target different FAQs to different users (job roles or stages of a user’s journey)

    Guides and Experiments

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    Until now we used the term “Experiments” for any tip, tour, popup, video, feedback.

    This was because we could back any element with the analytics of what happened with your users. On some plans we also let you do A/B experiments.

    Problem was: most people just want to do tips, tours. So we admitted that a better overall term is “Guides”.

    experiments are now guides

    So now is a good time to get started with Guides:

    • for your own Apps
    • or for the SaaS apps that your team uses.

    To try it out, head to our Dashboard or just book a screenshare to learn more.